Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ambien Ramblings

I "was over served" the other night (that ubiquitous term for being embarrassingly drunk in public). So sitting at the bar I started bragging to my two new best friends about how much I love valium and xanax. I even gave them a couple from my purse, which they snatched up more quickly than dirty bath water goes down the drain. Then they warned me to be careful. I wasn't doing anything illegal. But the bartender came over and told me to change my conversation or I would have to go. I sky rocketed from drunken cockiness to drunken indignation, and trust me there is no indignation like that of an indignant drunk. I left and got driven home.

Flash forward two months. Having a cup of tea in a restaurant bar waiting for my girls' matinee to end. They have Fuel TV on all their big screens. A blindfolded man is unknowingly licking the asshole of another man. This is supposedly hilarious to the panel. At lunch yesterday, at a local Mexican restaurant, Fuel TV is playing on all TVs except one. They are having excerpts on this day from girl on girl sex from the Playboy channel.

Hmmm? Just saying.

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